Hi blog, sorry for the lack of updates but i am currently having my finals. So after my finals I can go photoshoots and update this blog more.
My fringe have gotten longer but my peeps hated my old fringe so i decided to leave it like that~ Let it be long.... Plus, i am still not used to front fringe... feels like there something blocking my forehead... @@
and Yikes ! I felt down about a week ago.. because i was wearing my new lens and the degree doesn't really suits me so i didnt really see the drain and kinda felt down... Ouchy...
That is how it looks like when i felt down .... Now it's starting to peel itself @@ As in, the skin is regenerating... -prays for faster recovery- I have a photoshoot in May T^T Please recover faster !!!!
I got some scars and wounds on my foot too... that one is the smallest and the most painful... so when i walk, i feel the pain ... #truestory.
So no sneakers and heels for me at the moment... only slippers and ballet shoes... ballet shoes are my lifesavers ! Without them i couldn't get into the exam hall T^T
oh ~ and i forgot to blog about my trip to Animax carnival 2013
There was like a million people squeezing in the tiny place.... No KIDDING ! Last year's animax is waaay better than this one. Maybe they don't know they'll have so many visitors.... @@
The crowd is so huge that you sweat where ever you went ! cause there's too much people, and some photogs and cosers try to take pics in the middle of the road and you are forced to stand there wait for them to finish ~ So all i can say i feel like a sardine during this event....
Yeah, that's me. I cosplayed as Akiyama Mio during Animax carnival. I am very lazy to upload the pictures in my blog. So please do check out the album i uploaded in Facebook right here.
So i guess that's it. If i have time i will try to update this blog more often ~ haha....