Wednesday, 26 September 2012


Dear blog,
Sorry for the lack of updates ~ I was really busy this month and especially this week ! My schedule was pack !!!! o(>_<)o 
This month i joined a play, my sister is the director of this play for the moon cake festival they're going to held it in my secondary school. She needs more actors/actresses so i volunteered to help her.
Besides just being an actress, i am also the make up artist and the one who teach them how to act. Sadly, none of them are daring enough to act naturally, so i have to tell them step by step on how to act. (=_=)
After the sound recording i need to dance Oppa gangnam style's chorus (solo) in the middle of the play. (~>_>)~
Back to the whole busy schedule thing.
Monday I have 6 hours of class and i went to practicing the play right after my classes. It's the first practice and the last. There's rehearsal in Wednesday.
During Tuesday, i have to finish the pile of homework i left undone since last week (cause last week i was busy too). Also, i have to revise Business Mathematic for the test next day.
Wednesday morning [today] i had the test, it goes well. After the test i rush back to my school right after lunch for the rehearsal. I waited for 2 hours for other performances to rehears .... AT LAST, it's our play's turn. Since we didnt bring the props and costumes, the play looked very very weird. The Domo doesn't bring her costume so she is standing on the stage as a girl in uniform ... so no one really knows why she is standing on the stage .... -sigh-
and i have no idea why i panicked on the stage and danced the wrong steps .... OMG .... I feel so embarrassed..... (>///<) Oh ! and I've brought new make up today when i was waiting for my mum in the mall. It's Meiko's cream concealer. I've seen tons of cosplayers using them so i am willing to try it until i see it lying around in the shop and i grabbed it !!!
Okay so now, move on to Thursday and Friday.
Thursday I have a replacement class for Organisational Behavior and i'll be staying in college for the whole day because it's an evening class and i still dont know how to drive well .... =(
Friday is the moon cake festival thing. So i have to prepare for the since morning cause .... I still haven't finish  making my costume (=w=). I know i am a last minute person, but being a bunny-guy-thing dont really need a complicated costume.
oh ! and i designed the character myself =) My character is a real big twist compared to the original legend story. I am suppose to be bunny, but it's boring for bunnies to have a cute and adorable image all the time so i transformed the bunny into a real funny character. It's a male bunny with ultra squeaky voice and LOVE to dance. He have a mustache and a pair of sunglasses. 8D
Cute huh ? My sister was like: "Sometimes, i wonder what is your brain made of...."
Why my sister said that ? Well, it's simply because she is a very serious person. =P
So my schedule ... Weekends.
Saturday i have work and i NEED to attend my family's reunion because it's the moon cake festival and at the same time i NEED to attend my best friend's housing warming party. I am still thinking how should i split myself into two .... =_="
Sunday ~ This is going to be interesting. I am going to have my very first cosplay photoshoot !!!! EKKK !!! So excited !!!!! <3 -will update you later with this-
This is what i've brought this month. My hauls =D
I've brought new false lashes <3 and i've felt in love with non-wavy and thick false lashes. They really are suitable for my type of eye. If i wear wavy ones, i will look evil ... =P
OMG ! i've always dreamt of owning dolly wink products and since i am a budget buyer, i dont really get a chance of winning my heart-and-brain's debates so most of the time, my brain wins and i didnt buy anything =P
BUUUUT this time~ it's different. I really want to own something that is dolly wink related. I could run to Daiso and buy a Rm5 lash case but ... i seriously dont know what have gotten into me ... I've brought this lash case in Sasa and it cost ... -gulps- RM22+ ..... I know, scary ....
Pore Putty's BB cream, i've been finding a BB cream that suits me cause Maybelline's 8-in-one BB cream doesn't really cover well from my point of view. So i try this because it's on promotion in Sasa when i was buying the lash case. Also, the promoter was very nice, she try really hard to communicate with me since i am not fluent in Malay and explain to me what that product is for and what that product is for even though there's 88% of chances i am not buying. =P So i brought both back home. =w=
Next, Meiko's concealer. Like i said, i've seen tons of cosplayers say it's a very good concealer so i brought it. It's quite cheap too. Will write a review when i have the time xD

Will update meh blog more often ~(=w=~)
Ciao !
Grace Aiko ;)

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